dont know why but just had this feeling
that people are hiding some stuffs from me
seriously hoping that im just ...
well i wanna type out think too much
but the feeling and the comments cant stop me thinking
it seems that what i think is real
hais i dun want that to happen
recently already very jia lat
no sales and everything no sound no picture
been hanging out with brother often
maybe hes making me emo with him
haha anyways enjoyed his company
thanks for the "effort" of "waiting" for me to finish work
at least u know u will not be alone for the next hours
do u know how much i dread going back home
facing walls and comps and tvs
getting more and more addicted on
sleeping pills panadols crigs and beers
omg my whole lifestyle is in a total mess
hais if only there's a person for me now
how great i will be then