Saturday, April 15, 2006

It's Not My Fault

Seems there's too many secrets I know. The worst thing I had ever. Got blamed at. And it's not my fault. I don't understand why. I don't know how to lie. And I hate to lie to people I know. I know sometimes it can't be helped. But I just hate the feeling of lying to people. From young since now, don't ask me to lie. I won't just for the sake of it. But recently, for some reasons, I broke this promise. Just for the sake of my friends and respected them. I don't know what hidden secrets they have. I only know, don't share secrets with me. It's such a tough chore when others asked about it, and I can only say I don't know. And cook up another story to hope the truth won't be reveal. And when the truth gets leaked out, I get the first blame. What is this? If you don't trust me, forget it, I won't bother to explain. I hate being accused at. The thing I hate most in my life is getting accused for things I did not do. I hate this type of honest lies. Helping people doesn't helped at all. I'm take for granted. I'd leave if I have too. I'm the one most disappointed now instead of them.

A fine day gets boom like this, in this way. I'm very careful about what I said to the others. Seems now even my blog do not have any privacy at all. Afraid of getting spy at. Afraid of typing anything that can let others know the truth. Even pictures I've been so protective of them. I didn't even post it up anywhere. Am I wrong? I'm not. For sure I'm not. Why am I doing all this? For the sake of who? For the sake of them. Get it? Haven't I sacrificed enough?

Today's outing isn't that bad. Thunder and lightening and cats and dogs joined us. Soaking wet in the drizzling rain. Walked along the romantic Clake Quay river. Had some wonderful time in a games cafe. The food there were tasty. Too bad it's ''abit'' too expensive. Total bill is over 200 bucks. ''Great'' amount we spend here. Shared the cost and thanks to a wonderful lady who helped us settle around half the price of the bill. We're all grateful to you. Dinner was at Lau Pat Sat. Didn't manage to find twin aunt's stall. Think she moved.

Took a few nice pictures of our gathering at the cafe. Sometimes the guy isn't as quiet as you think he is. Alreadyold you all. Believe it now? He's not anti social aren't he? I'm the one who is more anti social. This da jie jie can't handle the teens well. Need Miss Caterpillar aka XY. Special thanks to XY. It's all owe to you that this outing is a success.

Had a quite a few shocks today. Sometimes they are not like you think they are to be. It's totally different from what you have in mind. Lastly, trip ended when we are splitted into two groups because of two different ways of MRT. It's still not bad an outing after all. A ''Good'' Friday indeed.

I'm not going to pin point out all the names we have in our group. I'm not suppose to. I apologize that this entry isn't that great as expected. Not much details. Just rounding up and blogging out the summery. Sleeping early to prepare going for the hollaback crew later. Will be typing a post about it tomorrow night I guess.