Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Election

PAP won again this year. But still can't snatch back Hougang and Potong Pasir.


So? Means?

No show to see lor. Nothing new this year. Sianz. I'm still awaiting for opposition parties to win more. But PAP also quite in danger. Their votes are quite low this year.

I'm very glad Dr Teo Ho Pin wins! He even had the highest votes of all the SMC. YAY!! Dr Teo! Dr Teo! Dr Teo! BP residents supports you all the way. Opposition party? Didn't even smell his breathe in BP. Don't know where he hides. Lol.. No sight of him in the neighbourhood at all.

Let's wait for 5 years later. I can vote le then! Come lah! So wasted leh. If I'm born in 84 de then can vote. Opposition party lai lai. I don't stay in Hougang or Potong Pasir so I won't vote for opposition party de. Kakakaka.. Let's hope Dr Teo still stays in BP. I don't want him to go elsewhere.

The younger one these days are not very concerned about the election. I talk on the phone with Darren that day and asked him what's his district, does the residents there have to vote? He says he don't know what district he's staying at. Because he have not reach the age yet so don't have to vote so don't even have to care which district he's in? Means he don't know who's his MP lor.

Piang eh! Like that also can?

Hahaha.. For me, it's also my first year concern about the election. And I gain alot from it. Know lots of stuffs and all. Not bad mah.

Gee, I'm still sick. Fever, gastric, runny nose, cough, all lah. Hope I'd be better soon. The panadol I eaten is useless. I feel cold now. Sianz. Off to rest le.

Lastly, I'm still happy with the results tonight. And cheers for Dr Teo!