Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mama mia

From the time I'm blogging. You should be able to see that I'm still in Singapore. Lazy and tired to go to Malaysia. What to do? So stay at home and face a black face dad of mine. Preparing to go for a war anytime. World war 3 is going to start. Better don't get any ''bombs'' from him these few days. Or else I'm going to suffer badly.

Read and read like mad for the whole day. Then came online and browse at forums. Before touching those books I did online for a couple of hours too. And before all that I'm doing housework. My eyes is getting so tired. My whole body is tired too. This is how my whole day went today. Really need a good night rest later. Maybe will be going out in the noon. So bored of staying at home with my bad tempered dad.

Without mum at home. My meals are instant noodles, breads and biscuits all the time. Or even sometimes when I feel lazy and not hungry, I don't eat at all. Think I'm going to shrink a couple of kilos in these few days. With no one to keep track on me. My life style is in a whole mess. My aunt don't even know that my mum went into Malaysia. So she can't control and nagged me to eat my meals too. Freedom! But wait.

Mickey mouse aka hamster called to ''spot check'' me today. Asking me have I eaten. What am I doing etc. When did my mum hire a PI? A free of charge PI some more. I'm just joking. Okay, I know he cares. I know all of you cares for me too. But don't worry. I'll know what to do. Alright, you guys are going to tell me that my health's not in a good condition. That's why I need to eat proper and good meals right? I got nagged till I can even typed all these out now. All in my mind. No worries. I know how to take care of myself.

I'm going to enjoy these few days without my mum at home. Nobody's there to control me. Feels so relax. Time to go shopping and buy something nice to pamper myself. Time to treat myself to a good movie. Time to just lie in my bed doing nothing and blasting my mp3. Time to online at the wee hours and nobody cares. Time to... sleep? No choice. I'm really too tired and still sick. Will just give all these a miss and have a good night rest now.