Monday, January 28, 2008


5.30 am! Good morning people! :D

I can't sleep. Busy da sao chu - ing from midnight till 3am just now. My whole room changed. I dumped 10+ bags of stuffs away. Like omg. No wonder my room suddenly so tidy. My study table is EMPTY now. So nice lor. ^^

Hungry after that. Went to cook mee. I only had 1 meal per day recently. Came online after eating. And to my surprise saw my cousin still online at this hour. It's already 4am. She just finished choosing her schools and courses for O's. Kaypoh abit.

Wanted to watch 恶作剧2吻. But I guess it's too late already. Later the drilling will start again. Damn the upgrading lift programs. Argh! Better sleep now. If not I'll really turn into a deity without sleep for days.