Tuesday, January 29, 2008

800 :)

My 800th post!

Didn't step out of my house for few days already. All I did was step out of my main door and smoke at the corridor. Was feeling stress these few days. Perhaps due to CNY coming and I have not prepare anything yet. I can predict this will be the worst CNY of my life.

I feel tense about this coming CNY. Sense that something bad is gonna happen. Pray not.

Wonder if I will meet him tomorrow. It's been a week since we last meet. I agree frequent meeting will lead to quarrels more. But if we meet only like 1 or 2 times a month. Lidat call couple in a relationship meh? -.-

But even if we didn't meet. We will still quarrel. We did it again just now on the phone. -.-

Busy day today. Da sao chu - ing till evening. Dead tired. Some more I slept really early yesterday night due to the kay poh ing of the courses that my twin cousins choose for the O's.

Time to watch 恶作剧2吻.
