Thursday, February 28, 2008


This morning some intruder came and smacked my computer upside down.
Sent resume. And I don't know WTH resume format he's sending.
Not word, not in wordpad format either. It's just plain email typing.
LOL? -_-

Luckily that intruder helped me level up my wawa quite a bit.
It was then I know how pros played mahjong and daidee.
For me I only know how to play and eat sushi. LOL.

Went Bugis makan Sakae.
The more I ate, the more sick of sushi I get.
Stinks if you eat too much of it!
I hate the fishy taste flowing in my mouth along with my saliva.

Shopped lor. At Bugis and it's BHG, the former Seiyu.
Which we pronounced it as Banglah Hit Gorilla!?
-_- Damn lame I know.

Eat and window shopped.
That's how my whole day goes.
Ended up with aching legs and bloated stomach now.

Oh ya. Some blar blar person escaped from the detention center at Whitely.
*Gasp* Like very scary lidat.
Just now I bus-ed home saw sibei lots of police cars along there.
SG not consider big nor small lor. Don't know when can catch him.
I scared scared. Don't dare go crowded areas till that man's caught.