Thursday, March 02, 2006

Habbo Hotel Version 9

You can said that I've just finish my nonsense blog testing. But not able to do one nice one. So in the end. My temper come, all delete lor. -_-

Reinstall my shockwave. Spend a couple of hours. Hope it doesn't load like a tortoise now.

Version 9 of habbo hotel is bad. I hate it. Here's why.

1) The stickies are all mad. I can't paste them quite near to corner. Hence almost all of my stickies in litez room gets hiden. I had to re paste all of them. Which means need to buy more stickes and paste them on again. And spend time finding all those hidden stickies out.

2) Stickies again. You'll never know about how many stickies you have left in your hand. Which means if it's almost finish up you also wouldn't know.

3) Words. All are in a mess. Example like the words which describe your rooms and those words on stickies. Alot of them are in a total mess. I had to spend time to retype them.

4) Extra more larger rooms. This one is the most scaiest one and also the reason which all knows. Extra more larger rooms means more furnis and more creds, which means sulake will be earning more.

I do admit larger rooms are better and nicer. You can make it into your all in one personal roomie. Like what nono does. He made it into a so called 5 room flat to him. But you really got do think of your pockets. I doubt I will create those large rooms unless I dump all my furnis in one room. Lol.

There's some good points too. Such as you can choose how many people you want in your rooms and shows full rooms etc. Well, the rest I still need to check it out.

Version 9 is lagging badly again. As usual. It's like version 8 last time. Will take a few days to reduce the laggness.

Still got stuffs to do. Wouldn't be reading forums and stories tonight. Need to buck up and check my habbo rooms and see see look look on what's new and fresh on habbo hotel Singapore before Dad woke up for work.

I hope this blog of mine is better now. I hidden the music code. Change a new picture. It's from ikia. I simply loves this maple leaves picture. And change a new welcome sign. Which is more suitable for the blog. Lastly, I delete the past monthly blog records. Now, all is perfect and well.

That's all for this late post. :)