Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Nonsense Post

Recently love to use these emonticons.




Aren't they cute? Aww!! I don't like to be the same as others. That's why I got myself an unique christian name. My chinese name is unique too right? Btw, if you didn't notice. My name RongFang is quite famous in China. It's a famous laundry shop's name!


Imagine. RongFang Laundry Shop.



Been busy for the whole day. Helping litez reporters on some stuffs and the dry run timetable's planning. It's totally messed up! Well, I still can't stop myself from helping litez. It's the thing I did for full 8 whole months!

Deejayed awhile tonight. Shock that there's still listeners who supports me. But quite sad that Mei told me that I've dropped grades quite alot. I guess it's just the begining just now right? I'm getting better and better after getting used to the system and speaking again.

Sonya Jie asked me too try out a tounge twister on air. Luckily I didn't make a fool of myself. Si shi si. Shi shi shi. Blar. Cheem. I'm so glad Sonya jie supports me throughout my session. Thanks!




Why must he always suan and bully me? Nearly laugh out and scold him on air just now. That's what he wanted. But nah, I won't do it then. What's the use of scolding him? He never changed a single bit since primary. He's a joker. Maybe I'm not used to playing a fool now. I've become quite a serious person.

Moral of this post?

I still love deejaying.

I'm not giving it up easily.

I'm loving it!
