Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Story Behind The Name Dream Land

Recently my online hours had totally changed. I just creep online. Actually wanted to sleep but find it too early to. It's so early. Indeed it's early. It's around 3am in the morning. Of course it's early. It can't be late right?

Disclaimer: The above quote about early and late are taken from Poh Jun Hao. The author will not bear any responsibility if it's wrong or readers disagree on this.

No idea on what to blog tonight. Suddenly had the thought to explain why all my blogs are named Dream Land. So here's why.

I really love to dream. Only in your dream you can do everthing you are not able to do in real. Only in dreams I can make my wish come true. I only need to keep thinking of a certain matter and it sure will appear in my dream at night. Maybe that is called 'Ri You Suo Si Ye You Suo Meng'.

Other than that, I can make my past and memories reappear in my dream. My happy and unhappy memories. My old friends. Thoughts and stuffs I have in mind etc. Only in dream land I can make it come true. I love to dream. But I don't like 'Bai Ri Meng'. It's a tough chore to dream in daytime. It will only make a sweet dream become a nightmare when you are 'piak' awake.

And guess what? My dream actually can continue. If I'm being woken up before it ends, I just need to rethink, and it will smoothly continue. Unbelievable isn't it? But it's real. I won't wrote anything fake in my blog.

But the worst thing, I had difficultly waking up from a nightmare. Although I know it's a dream, but I just couldn't woke up. As someone says, if you couldn't wake from a bad dream, it will be forever. Don't know if it's true anot.

I always had dreams about cockroachs. Nightmares about them. Dozens of them crawling near me. And it came true now. I mean it! Damn lor! The cockroaches are still in my room, and one just crawl near me. Now I'm shivering all over. Crying out soon. Help! Fenni and I are most afraid of cockroaches. They are so disgusting. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep tonight. Just get them out of my room this minute! Argh!