Saturday, August 26, 2006

Busy like a bee

Not a good day today. Got woken up by my mum. Coz kai ma asked her to woke me up to ask if I wanted to go out today. Sigh~ I slept at 8am coz of the damn headache and was woken up at 11am. 3 freaking hours of sleep is not enough. Mum was busy talking to me for a few hours after I got up. Yes! It's a few hours! And I didn't manage to get back to sleep after that.

It's not new year. But I spring clean my room anyway. Cleaned it squeaking clean. Very shiok feeling to done it all in a few hours. Cleaned my tableS, I've got two tables. One is for my computer and one is my workdesk. My hello kitties, my tons of cds got 'washed' too. Dumped one big bag of stuffs away. I don't know why I got so many junks. I actually managed to clean one big black rubbish bag of stuffs to the bin after the 'spring cleaning'. I'm shocked too. How did I get so many junks without knowing?!

Headache after that. Spent 4 hours on cleaning. Then it's evening. That's kind of fast? Had a little nap at night. Was dying of headache. I don't know what's wrong with me. That damn freaking headache at the left part of my head. Makes my left eye blured and feel like puking. Don't want to think of the worse. Coz prof ong said to me before mum's illness maybe will yi chuan. Tumor? That's interesting.

I don't like docters. But I actually like injections. Don't know why I like the pain numb feeling when the needle injects into my skin. Docters, esp SGH docters and some TTSH docters sux. I remembered when I was young and went for a stomach scope. The docter actually wanted to put the tube into me when I haven't even 'doze' off. Screamed lor. What else. Then he injected too much till I slept or should I said unconscious for 8 hours. TTSH docter? Docter Ivan who makes my mum in such a terrible condition now. Blur sotong docter who does everything wrong.

Enough about docter's stuffs. Computer stuffs are enough too. My precious computer died on me just now. Can't get it on. I'm going to smash it soon if all these continue. It's making me cranky too. And I do wonder why I can't play maple now? The pop out says no game whatever or size of game whatever. Wth? Reinstall it also useless. Urgh! I want to play maple lar! T_T

Updated my story onto the forum last night. Got some shock. Why MD bar linked it into favourites? I don't deserve it. They should linked my previous story instead. Coz I'm very sure I won't update this story often. =.= Stress lar. Means I've to be more hardworking. Really hate some comments of those people. Their mouth are so foul. Simply don't come and browse my story if you don't like. Spare the nasty comments please. Urgh!

Guess I'll be sleeping early tonight. Everytime said that but didn't do it. =.= But tonight really sleepy lar. Don't call or sms me later please. I need my beauty sleep. Can't online much now. Mum's nagging that the electric bill's 'flying'. Ok lor. Fine. I go sleep then. But before that, here's a picture of my mum's 'masterpiece'. The doggies are made of straws. Her precious workpiece. She wanted me to show them off lar. Gee. Happy viewing then.

Update: My mum wants to 'show off' her little doggies which are made of paper bags too. I've uploaded the picture in. Just look at the size between giant and drawf doggies. O_O!! LOL!!