Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The talkshow

Normal day again. Meeting zhou gong was what I did for the whole day. Overslept this morning! Curse my phone. I forget to switch on the alarm. And slept all the way till 8.30am when mum had already done her blood test. Should have actually asked a friend to give me a morning call but don't want to bother them. Luckily mum's alright. No giddy spells or anything. Otherwise I'll blame myself and my dad will murder me straight.

I've finished reading amy cheung's novel. Not a very good one as compare to the previous one. But I still like it. Had always like her novels thanks to my kor who recommended me to it. At least that's something good he did. LOL! Wonder when is her next novel going to out? Will never missed a single one.

Just remembered that I've forgotten to read xiaxue's blog for a long time. She updated a lot! I really enjoyed reading her blog. Like the way she blogged and the courage for using so many censored stuffs in her blog. I don't even dare to blog out those sensitive matters where it concerns the people who are reading my blog. I'll just replaced them with a nickname.

Chatted a lot with di just now. More than an hour I think. Those typing are killing me. We talked about stuffs regarding himself. Since I just know him last time, I know he got a way which will pissed or let people dislike. Yet he don't know about that himself. He's straight forward I know but he always did the wrong thing at the wrong time without knowing.

So since he starting asking what's wrong with him. I told him about it. Think I did knock some sense into his mind. Hope he will change to be better soon. I only knew that things got serious when I learned how 'famous' he is as in a bad way and what the others told me about. So I hope the talk tonight helps. Give him some time. He's still a young guy.

And since I have tons of time tonight, let's see how my friends around me describe me in 10 ways.

1- Approachable (That's true. I never reject any friends who approach me for help.)

2- Friendly but fierce sometimes (........... True in a way I guess. I admit I'm fierce sometimes.)

3- Chatty but tends to be quiet sometimes (Yea, there's two sides of me. Maybe everyone is?)

4- A good listener (If not why do you think my ears are going to be deaf soon? LOL!)

5- Have the charm that attracts?! (Huh?! What's this? There's this friend who told me I have this special charm that attracts when I'm quietly alone. Wth?! =.='')

6- Da jie jie type (I am and I know it myself. But another word to describe this is kay poh! xD)

7- Loves to be love (Now tell me who don't?)

8- Easily jealous?! (No way! I'm not a pot of vinegar! Innocent! Who said that anyway?)

9- Responsible and never easily give up (Maybe true. Whenever I did something, I won't give it up that easily. I treated everything seriously. Is this responsible?)

10- Blur! (Yes I'm blur! I know that I'm a blur sotong! But I can't help it. I don't want it too. Maybe that's what that make me cute. *pukes* LOL!)