Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The mess


I'm sorry.

Sorry for having doubts in you. Sorry for suspecting you. What I just want now is you to be fine.

It's already been a day since Monday. Totally no news. HP line dead. And the bad news is no news. After those funny stuff you said on Sunday. I can't help worrying. Come on. Don't just stay cheerful just to make me stop worrying. I already knew it all. How long can you escape? How far can you run? Face it. Face it!

I don't want to see any rainbow now. I just want to see you fine and well standing infront of me. Not with all those cuts and brusies. I understand that you don't want to drag me down. I understand it all. It's already a blessing if I can watch you from a far distance to know that you're well. But is that possible? I don't even know where you're hiding now.

Is last week's meal the last we can have together? No. It won't. It can't be. Just contact me asap. I know I'm not of much help with that little help of mine. But at least you won't be alone. You'll have a moral support. Please, let me hear from you soon. Just listen to me once this time.

What's the problem with all these things happening around us? Why have our surroundings changed so much? I just want the old us with a normal peaceful life back. Is it that tough? Spare us. Leave us alone. For goodness sake.

Just go and don't bother about me.

Sorry, I can't. I just can't.