Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The past and the future

In a few months, things can changed a whole lot. Last year at this time, I'm chatting with darren online and on the phone almost everyday. Helping him to walk out of his broken relationship. He'll be there to share my problems too. That's how we became close friends. Our thoughts are the same. As he said, great mind thinks alike. Now? We totally lost contact. It's amazing how things can changed so much in just a few months.

After darren drifted from me because he went dota and I didn't join him in it, I started to hang around with darling sister dreamze and got to know kieran through him. Everyday sure skype with them till the wee morning. Then kieran gets lesser and lesser online. Sister got a girlfriend. Hence my close friends all drifted from me. I guess the only one who is close with me from the previous time till now is only mei. Hahaha. Right mei?

As I started to go job hunting at the second half year of 06, I know him through ning jie during end of july. Aug is a month where he did all those crazy stuffs. And sep is where I first met him and get to know him better. Oct's a month full of memories. Nov's a month full of problems. Dec's the month where all things started to cool off and drifted. And I spent the month getting ready for work. Jan's the month when I start work. Which is till now I'm still amazed that I could get a job and is coping well.

Jan should be a month to sort out some thinking. Some things if you don't let go you can't go further. You'll just be stuck at the same place forever. And I have two such matters to consider. One of it which is online matter which I don't think it's possible for me to fork out any time for it anymore. Not fair to the others if I just stayed idle there. But I can't bear to leave a place where I've been for a year plus. Another is about the matter which drives me crazy for the previous few months. I don't think if I let go, I can just walk out of it easily. Not possible. I'm a human and I have feelings.

My life changed so much this year. Work forced me to sleep early and wake up early. Which till now I'm still not used to it. Keep looking forward for the once in a week off day. Wondering how many products I can sell per day. Trying my best to hit my sales target. Hanging and joking around with Newsteads's guys. Everyday is a brand new day. I just hope that life gets better for me this year. Looking forward to my first pay cheque in a week's time. The money that drives me to work harder. The future is in my hands. I have to walk out the correct path on my own. And I'm sure I'll succeed. :)