Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Predictions

Life's getting worser than ever. Everything that I predicted or couldn't even ever have thought of happened.

Been messaging her on friendster. Finally she came to find me with a baby boy and told me the whole story. The same girl and the same baby boy I saw on her friendster's photo. The baby boy is so cute. I couldn't believe it's his child. But he's indeed his child. They look so alike. But so unlike him. The kid is so adorable and innocent. Yet he's totally the opposite. Unbelievable, really unbelievable. This is something I couldn't have predict. I pity the poor girl and the poor kid. Till today then I understand why we should never compare ourselves with the others. Coz there's people suffering more than us. I feel blessed suddenly. =)

Finally able to contact him today. Asked him why he called. He said he miss me. We talked a lot. From the past to the present to the future. Suddenly he talked about the topic we both discuss about a couple of years before. I predicted it correctly. But told him I prefer the way we are now. So the topic came to a dead end. But still good friends aren't we? =)

Got a few days off coz counter's moving out tomorrow. Start work again on April. As usual the normal things happened at work. As I can predict. Small arguments with kelvin. He called me a dead fish coz I didn't utter a word. No, haven't died. Half dead perhaps. Sorry, my whole mind was on that baby boy.

Everything is finally coming to an end after today. A brand new start. I wished it'll be good.