Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Day Of Peace

Do you know how to spell tired with a VERY in front? If you know, you'll understand how I feel now. It's VERY tired. Mentally and physically.

Nowadays will avoid walking pass Newstead. It's not the same anymore. You won't hear Low's loud laughters nor Kelvin's loud voice again. Newstead's quiet now. I don't even hear them talking much now. Guess everyone felt a tad upset by the two fools doings. I don't want to go on anymore. Useless. They won't be coming back.

I didn't notice my toes were swollen till I felt the pain. That's the outcome of not able to sit for 10 plus hours everyday. So just wtf am I doing all these for? For the miserable couple of hundreds? No. It's to forget. That's why although work keeps me busy but I'm still enjoying it.

Didn't went for my niece's wedding dinner tonight. Had to work just to chiong sales. Glad it's not wasted anyhow. I managed to hit a thousand in 2 days. Got to work harder tomorrow. Hopefully I can get $2000 by tomorrow. Although I feel bad for being selfish and 'mouthing' the other brands. But life is cruel right? I need to earn a living too. Sorry. Please do not blame me.

I'm focusing my whole attention on work. Planned to propose to bring in our Digital Voice Recorders. It's a good money grabbing product. Been working till reaching home at almost 11 plus daily. Don't even have the time to keep my aunt and cousin company yesterday when they came to visit from Malaysia. I feel bad.

Lional said I'm too quiet recently. Not my normal chatty self. Julian said that too. Maybe I'm too stressed up at work. But don't worry. I feel better this way. At least I don't have extra time to think of stupid matters. Food cheers me up. Yet I can only eat once at work. This is torturing me. Since Lional don't want to have supper after work. I just chomped on chocolates when I got home. Glad I can't grow fat. If not congrats. LoL.

Nothing much happened today. No complaints. Saturday past by peacefully. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same. After tomorrow I'll be able to get a good day of rest. Monday's my off day again. As usual. One meal break per day is pathetic. Sharing a bowl of fishball soup and a zhu tong fan each with Lional is more pathetic. I need more food.
