Monday, April 09, 2007

The Tiredness Strikes

Finally, my off day. Waited for so long. I nearly die. Worked one whole week without resting. Dumped one day's off just to chiong sales. I must be foolish enough to chiong so hard. But at least all my efforts aren't wasted. 1.5K sales during the 3 days long weekend. Sold all of those ex models till they ran out of stock. I've a satisfied feeling. =)

Was feeling unwell today. Luckily there's everyone to help. Team work man. You helped me I helped you. I helped to sell 2 Phillips and 2 Samsungs. My toes are all swollen up but it's all worth. At most go and find my sin seh for treatment tomorrow. Just want to sleep till noon and go to my sin seh after that. Maybe will read a magazine too. That's what I planned for my off day.

Newstead is getting way too quiet. Never see the whole shop so dead on weekends. I missed the days. Didn't go and visit them for a couple of days. I just walked past the shop. The feeling is already different. The warmth feeling's gone. Till today I still don't understand why things can changed so much without a few days. It's unbelievable.

No place for me to go after work. So went haunting for food. But almost all the food are sold out everywhere. Managed to get some fried sweet potatoes from Kala Kala. That JJ Lin who happens to have the same name and surname as the famous singer asked where's Jes. I worked till forget to contact her. Maybe she still don't know about Newstead's matter yet.

Chatted with Lional just now. It'll be another 2 weeks till he's back at IMM. I wonder how next week will be. So many of them left. I just get to know them better and they left. Sad case. Guess everything have to end one day. Sooner or later. Bed time. It's already 3 in the morning. How I wish I can get a couple days more leave. I'm so tired. This time it's physically tired as well.