Thursday, August 23, 2007


It's not even 1am. Yet I feel super sleepy. I don't know why I feel so easily tired nowadays. Must be the medication I'm on currently. 3 types of medications. What do you expect?

Went to watch papaya 881 with C just now. Thanks C for your movie treat!

Quite a good show for a SG slim. Funny at the first place, touching and heart warming at the ending part. Better than the other film man in white. Which is just lame from start to end and makes no sense at all. I love SG films. =)

Won't blabber too much about the show. Don't want to be a spoiler. =P

I couldn't sleep well yesterday night. Keep on tossing and turning in my bed. Having nightmares of him being sentence for a longer time. Really don't wish to see that happen. Frankly say, I'm tired of waiting like this. Might be getting a job soon. Life without work simply sucks. Lot 1's more than words is hiring. Sales line again? I don't know. Still lost for direction.

I cut my finger. Yet I don't know it till I washed my hands. Such a deep cut. Wonder where I got it. I still remembered how that guy's feeling worried over my cut finger. Can a person really act so well? Or did he put in real feelings at that time? This question had been in my mind for the past few months. And I don't want to know the answer.

Ignorance is the best.